Montréal, 14 octobre 2000  /  No 69
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Scott Carpenter is a young entrepreneur living in Victoria, B.C. and the founder and editor of Liberty Free Press.
by Scott Carpenter
          It's like something out of an Orwell novel except worse. As many already know, some time way back in May, Peel (Ontario) regional police busted one of those cesspools of crime and debauchery – a toy store – in an attempt to seize over a dozen toy guns. While there was technically no law on the books at the time to support the raid this minor detail was not enough to stop our « dedicated » and « concerned » officials from conducting the raid in an attempt to stop a « potential disaster » from occurring. 
In the public's interest 
          Detective Sgt. Gordon MacKinnon of the Peel police who helped stage the raid stated that: « We did this in the interest of public safety... ». Although he admits that the laws governing this sort of activity are definitely in a bit of a « gray area » he nonetheless felt the Peel police were justified in taking such extreme action. 
          Sgt. MacKinnon, in a report with, stated that the raid was carried out as the result of over 27 crimes committed (in the Peel area) with fake firearms over the past year or so. It seems someone forgot to mention to the good Sgt. that police exist to enforce laws – not to create them.  
          Well Sgt. Gordon, no need to worry about those inconvenient little « gray areas » any longer. It appears that the government of Ontario – followed by other municipal and provincial governments – will soon be enacting laws which will make the sale of these « deadly weapons » illegal or, at the very least, highly regulated. 
          Bill 67 was tabled in April of this year. Currently it contains provisions to limit the sale of replica and toy firearms to people over the age of 18 and to those with specific personal backgrounds. It will also require store owners to keep track of the sales of these items in much the same way that actual firearms were tracked after the implementation of the original FAC program. 
          But it's not just happening here in Canada. In New Zealand police are talking to public officials about the possibility of implementing a licensing program for youngsters who want to play with toy or imaginary guns on school property. You may be asking yourself at this point exactly how such a program would work. Well.... you got me. But one thing is for sure, where there is a will tyranny will always find a way. 
          As usual I digress. Sgt. MacKinnon's illegal and immoral behavior aside one has to wonder how things have gotten so out of control? 
Complicated legal system 
          Political correctness run amuck perhaps? Maybe. But that's as shallow an analysis as the root to gun violence being guns. Indeed, it's only a symptom. These problems are really the logical outcome of our entire approach to crime and what it is and is not. If crime is a violation of the law and the meaning of law is fluid or relative then what did we expect? Reason to prevail? Sorry. Reason has nothing to do with a relative legal system – only with a justice system that is based on fundamental, concrete principles such as individual rights. And therein lies the problem. Our nation lacks not just a properly written (not to mention respected) constitution but a lawful and ethical justice system as well. 
     « Criminals do not register firearms nor obey asinine rules while violating the rights of others and regardless of their actions we should still have a right to defend our lives and property. » 
          A legal system that is so complicated that most lawyers can't understand it or grasp it is useless – more to the point – it is a recipe for disaster. Law, without any fundamental guiding ethical principles (i.e.: do no knowing harm to your fellow man) is but the whim of the tyrant. Compromise with regards to the creation and implementation of the laws that comprise this system – even when we can foresee the possible outcomes – is like slitting our own throats over an agonizing period of time. 
          For example: We should have realized back in the early 1930's that handgun registration would do nothing to ensure the future security of this nation. In fact – to this day – there are no statistics to support the claim that this program made any difference (one way or the other) with regards to Canada's crime rate. In fact, as crime rates have risen throughout the last century one will notice that there has also been a corresponding rise in the number of laws that we must abide by. Of course, this was predicted as a matter of principle and should have been denied as a matter of right; Criminals do not register firearms nor obey asinine rules while violating the rights of others and regardless of their actions we should still have a right to defend our lives and property.  
Right of privilege? 
          Unfortunately, our ancestors did not foresee the consequences of their actions and we youngsters are now facing the possibility that the nation we inhabit will be very different from the one our parents grew up in. 
          Indeed, every time I hear gun owners babble on about how they don't mind a licensing system that is fair and just I want to smack them in the face and tell them they get what they deserve. Anyone who is so insecure about their own (or anyone else's) ability to safely operate a firearm or any other device does not deserve to live in a free society. A « fair » and « reasonable » licensing system is a contradiction. It's like hoping for a « pleasurable » rape.  
          Ultimately, the logical conclusion of demanding a licensing system for something that is in fact a basic human right means that you have waved that right altogether. And if something isn't a right what does that make it??? 
          A privilege.  
          Gun ownership can not be both at once. It is either one or the other. 
          If you see it as a privilege then quit your damn whining about stupid, unfair laws – you asked for them while denying the principle that embodied them. Indeed, if privilege is granted then the logical outcome is that you will be commanded by other men with bigger guns. 
          So until we all decide to come to our senses and seize our rights I suppose we'll have to put up with the Sgt. Gordon MacKinnons of the world. They are, after all, only looking out for your best interests. 
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